Worlds Apart Wiki

Flight Captain Jordan commands Pegasus's Flight Group 2; Beta Flight, the Burning Skies, and pilots the Aves Basil. She is described as an outstanding beauty, tall, lithe, and blonde.


She learned to fly from her parents back on Sapphire's remote settlement Running on the Rocks, Boreala, and subsequently enrolled in the Sapphire Permanent Defense Situation (SPDS) Flight Core as an Interceptor Pilot, and served on bases in the remote moons of the planets Aegir and Gigantor.

On the Pegasus mission, Jordan specializes in leading rescue missions, including the rescue of the first landing team to Meridian (Book 1), the recovery of the Beta Team from the far side of EdenWorld (Book 2), and the evacuation of Tobias and Pieta from Bodicea (Book 3). During that last mission, her Aves was shot down, and she spent the equivalent of 16 years on the planet, during which time, she became the mother to Max and Sam Jordan. Upon her return, she was retasked to Flight Commandant, in charge of training flight cadets for Pegasus's Flight Core. Her final mission took place on the planet Crucible, where she and TyroCommander Redfire disappear during an encounter with an alien ship.


At the beginning of the journey, she is married to, but estranged from, TyroCommander Redfire. She is the object of an unrequited infatuation from Flight Lieutenant Paul Ironhorse.

She marries the Bodicean consort, Tobias, during her 16 years on the planet Bodicea, but left him behind when Pegasus returned. She became a mother to Sam and Max Jordan while living on the planet, and a foster mother to Pieta, whose mother was killed in the initial Aurelian assault.