Worlds Apart Wiki

“It’s the rite of Kuy Kuy Kunga … an ancient Wolverine custom. On the eve of battle, the men of the ship settle their differences by beating each other up in a fighting ring, so there’s nothing between them when they go into battle. Later, they will drink, and feast, and tell tall tales and probably flush some personal possessions through an airlock.” -- Worlds Apart Book 12: Earth

Kuy Kuy Kunga (Coo-ey, Coo-ey, Kun-GA!) is a ritual undertaken by military units of the planet Wolf's Head before going into battle. It is intended to clear out any disagreements between the warriors so that they are not distracted when facing the enemy.

During Kuy Kuy Kunga, differences in rank and status are disregarded. An inferior officer may assault a superior without consequence.

Opponents square off in a designated fighting area sometimes known as a "Dome of Thunder." Non-combatants watch from the periphery, drinking and chanting "Kuy Kuy Kun-GA!" No weapons are allowed; all combat must be hand to hand. combatants are expected to strip down to a minimum amount of clothing, which adds both erotic and homoerotic undertones to the proceeding. The fight continues until both parties agree that "we're good." A MedTech attends the proceedings to tend to any injury.

TyroCommander Phil Redfire participated in a Kuy Kuy Kunga ritual prior to the Battle of Terrastar. (Worlds Apart Book 12: Earth). His opponent was Nero Tanaka, a tactical officer who resented that Redfire had been promoted to chief tactical officer instead of him.
