- "Alpha Priori"
- "Cotopaxi"
- "Fiddler's Green" (story)
- "Triton Lyra"
- 12XU
- A Blaze in the Northern Sky
- Aaronita Wright
- Ace of Spades
- Adamus Wang
- Admiral Ziang
- Adrian Honeywell
- Adris Kingfisher
- Aenaugh
- Aeric Tuck
- Alexavier Wheeler
- Allbeing, The
- Alliance City - K527
- Alpha
- Alpha Priori
- Alpha Romeo Jones
- Anaconda Taurus
- Anaconda Taurus Rook
- Aneera Deckard
- Aneirin
- Angleteer
- Antiproton Gun
- Anton Stratos
- Antonia York
- Aperture 13
- Aquila
- Aquilon
- Arcadia - Sapphire
- Archangel
- Ark Royal (Pathfinder Ship)
- Ark Royal (Warship)
- Armand Riddle
- Arthur Keeler
- Asha
- Astra
- Astra Cartographer
- Athenia
- Atlas
- Atomic Dog
- Attenborough
- Auberge
- Aubergine Contingency, The
- August Burns Red
- Augustana
- Auntie Maim
- Aurelians
- Aurora
- Aurora-Cyborg War
- Avalon
- Aventine
- Averill Lear
- Avery Groombridge
- Aves
- Aves Amy
- Aves Andrew
- Aves Astrid
- Aves Basil
- Aves Bernard
- Aves Chloe
- Aves Clara
- Aves Crispin
- Aves Daniel
- Aves Desmond
- Aves Drake
- Aves Edward
- Aves Ernest
- Aves Fannie
- Aves Frederick
- Aves George
- Aves Ginger
- Aves Hector
- Aves Horatio
- Aves Ianto
- Aves James
- Aves Jethro
- Aves Jonas
- Aves Joshua
- Aves Kate
- Aves Leonidas
- Aves Linus
- Aves Malcolm
- Aves Maud
- Aves Neville
- Aves Olivia
- Aves Quentin
- Aves Rhoda
- Aves Susan
- Aves Tearlach
- Aves Titus
- Aves Torgo
- Aves Una
- Aves Ursula II
- Aves Valpuri
- Aves Victor
- Aves Waldo
- Aves Willard II
- Aves Winnie
- Aves Xena
- Aves Xerxes
- Aves Yorick
- Aves Zeus
- Aves Zilla
- Aves Zoltan
- Axiom of Force
- Bacchanal Island
- Bang
- Bart Savagewood
- Battle Cruiser
- Battle Cruiser (Sapphirean)
- Battle of Charlemagne
- Bella La Cava
- Belle Quatrain
- Bellwether
- Benjamin Gage
- Bering's End
- Bernadette Keeler
- Bettilu Keeler Rhinelander
- Bill Keeler
- Billy Keene
- Blade Toto
- Blood Trade
- Blunt Hardcheese
- Bodicea
- Bon and Venture MacKenzie
- Book 10 - Eventide
- Book 11 - Charlemagne
- Book 12 - Earth
- Book 1 - Meridian
- Book 2 - EdenWorld
- Book 3 - Bodicea
- Book 4 - Winter
- Book 5 - Aurora
- Book 6 - Crucible
- Book 7 - Yronwode
- Book 8 - Hellfire
- Book 9 - Gethsemane
- Boon
- Boreala Continent - Sapphire
- Bountiful
- Bountiful Prime
- Brace Copperhead
- Bravery Everything
- Brian Kingman
- Bridget Armatrading
- Bright Angel
- Bristol Heath Easton
- Broxx
- Buck Nekked
- Buzzknocks
- Caledonia
- Calico Jones
- Caliph
- Callista
- Captain Othello
- Carlyle Duke
- Carpentaria - Sapphire
- Cassius and Claudius McCormick
- Centurion 10010010
- Cesario
- Chaldea
- Chanticleer Starlock
- Chapultepec Starlock
- Charlemagne Starlock
- Choudhury StarLock
- Christina Gotobed
- Chrysalia
- Ciel
- City of Alexander
- City of Midlothian (Republic)
- Clarence Thomas Wilson
- Clinton Manchester
- Columba Zion
- Commonwealth City - K527
- Concordia
- Constellation
- Corian Trawick
- Coriolis
- Cormorant
- Coronado
- Corvallis (Sapphire)
- Craniovore
- Cree Bladerunner
- Cristiana Gotobed
- Crotoan Incident
- Crucible
- Cry Havoc
- Crystal Pyramid
- Cuauhtemoc Ojala
- Cumorah
- Cypress
- Dabro Emet
- Daisy Reagan
- David Alkema
- Dayvan Cowboy
- Deacon Raider
- Deadly Beautiful
- Decimus Sukhoi
- Deck Zero
- Defender Ships
- Delia Keeler
- Delta Continent - Sapphire
- Denali
- Desolation
- Doctor Cuthbertson
- Dominia
- DownWorld
- Dylan Canada
- Ecco 1
- Eddie Roebuck
- EdenWorld
- Eliza Jane Change
- Emeishan
- Ericsson Molto
- Erik Woden
- Eta Ure
- Europa Stark
- Eva Wilson
- Eventide
- Exabyte
- Explorer Ships
- Faction for Action Resistance Truth and Solidarity
- Fallon
- Faron Diamondback
- Fast Attack Corvette
- Fate's Warning
- Festus Creed
- Fiddler's Green
- Fighting Mongoose
- First Aurelian War
- Flavia Apple
- Fleet of Orion
- Forseti Station
- Fortnight
- Foxy Fiddler
- Free Worlds
- Free Worlds 1
- Furlong
- Gage Aarad
- Galactic Commonwealth, The
- Galactic Commonwealth (Old)
- Galactic Condor
- Galactic Conquest (Game)
- Gamaliel Suzuki
- Gander
- Garth Atreides
- Gary
- General Kitaen
- General Parka
- George Borrows Things
- Gethsemane
- Gethsemane Civic Council
- Gethsemane Gateway
- Giant Mutant Space Broccoli
- Gideon
- Ginger
- Glorious Burbank Experience, The
- Goneril Lear
- Goro Sulijoadikusumo
- Graceland - Sapphire
- Graviton Engine
- Ground Monster
- Guelph
- Gunner Easton
- Hadrian Columbia
- Halo Jordan
- Hammerhead Missile
- Hammerjack Missile
- Han
- Hannibal Ford
- Hardcandy Banks
- Harmony Lowell
- Harold the Non-Talking Pig
- Hearth
- Helaman
- Helena-1404
- Helena-903
- Helga Feste
- Helga Lemonkiller
- Hell (Loki)
- Hellen Earth
- Henry William Oberth
- Hildegard Kahn
- Hiscock Withers
- Honoria Keeler
- Hootch Grabr
- Hoyt Clagwell
- Hroth
- Ialdabaoth
- Ian Bonneville
- Illyria
- Independence
- Invisible Green Men
- Ion Cannons
- Iota Arae
- Iron Voyager
- Iron Worlds
- Ishmael Gilligan
- Izzan-Al-Izzan
- Jackhead
- Jackie Chan
- Jackson Levant
- Jared Buck
- Jasmine Green
- Jason Buck
- Jersey Partridge
- Jesus Powerhouse
- Joelon Tomcufcik
- John-Patrick Breen
- John Hunter
- John Skinner
- Johnny Rook
- Jubal
- Julius Fair
- Jutland - Sapphire
- K527
- Kansa Southernbell
- Kansan Southernbell
- Kariad
- Kariad, The
- Katrain Hepburn
- Kaya Stoat
- Kayliegh Driver
- Keeler Trust and Companies
- Ken Keeler
- Khan Limbalk
- Kip Helaman
- Konoa Konoa
- Kralendijk
- Kuy Kuy Kunga
- Kyle Atlantic
- Kyrien Mastermind
- Kyte Keeler
- Lady Goldenrod
- Lady Kate Keats
- Lamont Montague
- Laverne
- Leaf Windborne
- Lexington Keeler (Pathfinder Ship)
- Lexington Keeler (a.k.a. Dead Keeler)
- Library of Alexandria